Every year, a number of patients who go to medical facilities for help complain of back pain. If you do not even do a lot of physical activity on the skeleton, your activity consists of a sedentary lifestyle - in the evening your back still hurts.
Why is this happening and how to eliminate the constant discomfort?
The causes of back pain can be hidden in a number of pathologies. If you have a discomfort in the lumbar region, see a neurologist immediately. Persistent back pain and discomfort can lead to limited mobility and reduced activity.
In most situations, the cause that causes back pain may lie in diseases of the spine, diseases of vital organs, as a result of professional activity, birth trauma. Only an experienced specialist can make an accurate diagnosis after an examination. In some situations, a number of additional diagnostic measures are prescribed.
According to statistics, back pain affects 50% of the world's population.
At the same time, in early childhood, such a phenomenon is a sign of pathology of the internal organs, which occurs rarely. In most cases, back pain torments elderly patients.
Pathogenesis of occurrence

As a rule, the causes of back pain are related to musculoskeletal defects. Less common pathogenesis, which lies in severe disorders of the skeletal elements. Also, at certain times, back pain can be caused by the most dangerous diseases. Such as tumors and inflammation in the spinal cord, pathologies of vital organs - heart, liver and the like.
So, the reason:
- The period of pregnancy. Scoliosis.
- Pelvic hemorrhage.
- Injury to the aorta.
- Penetration of infectious parasites into the muscle tissue of the spine and pelvis.
- The spread of malignant neoplasms in the back.
- Delayed infectious diseases. For example, the flu.
- Various injuries.
The reason cn hurts
, may have certain diseases:- osteochondrosis;
- radiculitis;
- intervertebral hernia;
- bone cancer;
- fractures;
- sciatica and a wide range of other diseases.
Back pain in osteochondrosis is painful. Also, its symptoms are crunching in the spine, an unpleasant sensation in the lumbar region. After some time, numbness appears in the area of pathology. This restricts movement. Back pain is more pronounced with exercise.
Also looks brighter when coughing, sneezing, sudden movements. "Hellish pain" haunts due to the compression of the nerve endings by the discs.
Back pain can last from a few minutes to a day. If the disease has spread to the chest, unpleasant sensations appear in the heart organ. That is why patients do not always guess about the disease, thinking that they have angina pectoris. If you do not start treatment in time, osteochondrosis becomes chronic. The patient cannot stand for a long time or sit, gets tired quickly, always wants to lie down.

3/4 of the population that develops symptoms of acute back pain suffers from this disease. In addition, the disease affects people over the age of thirty. This is due to the fact that over the years, the human spine wears out and becomes susceptible to various pathologies.
If you have back pain and suspect osteochondrosis, you should make an appointment with a neurologist. He will make diagnostic measures to make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe special medications, prescribe physiotherapy exercises and put him on the necessary diet.
Back pain can form in a disease such as sciatica. This disease is the result of compression of the nerve endings, resulting in changes of various natures. All this accompanies back pain, which occurs quite often.
The syndrome occurs at the site of the disease. It can be permanent or temporary. The pain can radiate to the arms and legs. In addition, muscle mass weakens and limbs tingle.
Herniated disc
During the initial stage of the disease, back pain is boring. It happens more when bending, turning, sudden movements. Often lethargy can occur in one of the lower limbs.
After a while, the back pain starts to get sharp. As a result, there is a strong strain on the muscles. This helps to restrict movement. As a result, the patient's posture noticeably changes for the worse. As a rule, this pathology is formed in patients after forty years. At an earlier age it manifests itself as a result of injury.
This disease should be treated in the early stages of its development. You should seek help from either an orthopedist or a neurologist. As a rule, the doctor uses CT to diagnose this pathology. As a therapy, they resort to surgery.
Diagnostic activities

If persistent severe back pain makes your life difficult, go to the hospital.
First, the specialist performs an examination by palpation of muscle tissue and the skeleton of the spine. It also assesses the condition of the central nervous system. The second step will be laboratory tests of blood and urine. This is necessary to eliminate the possibility of pathology in the renal organ.
Radiography is used as an additional diagnostic measure. This is necessary to eliminate the possibility of fractures of various types, osteomyelitis and a number of other diseases.
If the X-ray shows ambiguous results, CT and MRI of the spine are additionally prescribed. CT clearly shows all the elements of the spinal skeleton, and MRI - the condition of the spinal cord and discs.
Osteochondrosis is often detected when performing the listed diagnostic methods. It can't even be called a disease, but rather age-related changes in the spine.
During the diagnostic measures in most cases certain diseases are detected, which form with age. Pathologies can be detected even if the patient has never experienced back pain. Based on the results of the complete diagnosis, a highly qualified specialist diagnoses and prescribes effective treatment.
Pain therapy
In order for the pain syndrome to leave you alone forever, you need to eliminate the cause. That is, he will be cured of the disease that provoked this pain. A neurologist or orthopedist chooses individual therapeutic methods for each case.
But the treatment of all types of pathologies is associated with cup shaping, acupuncture, and manual therapy.

Pain relief
As a rule, the pain in each disease subsides when the patient lies down. But this is not recommended. When a person spends most of his time lying down, the disease begins to develop at a faster rate.
For some types of pathologies, a specialist prescribes bed rest. The doctor's recommendations, of course, must be followed, but try to shorten this period of time as much as possible. The sooner you get out of bed, the more useful it will be for your healing.
Do not overload the spine. During this period, while you are tormented by pain, try to avoid physical exertion and wear a special medical corset for fixation.
Pain relief includes conservative methods of exposure. The specialist prescribes drugs for oral administration as well as for injections. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as diclofenac, lornoxicam are usually prescribed.
Muscle relaxants are also used: Tizanidine and Tolperisone hydrochloride. When dystrophic processes occur, chondroprotectors are used. Your doctor may prescribe topical ointments and gels that belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
After a complete examination and accurate diagnosis, the doctor may recommend physiotherapy, which consists of heating with dry heat. As well as a set of exercises for physiotherapy exercises.
Manual therapy
If this method of treatment is performed by a qualified manual operator in accordance with all rules and regulations, the pain syndrome will subside in the shortest possible time. In addition, manual therapy helps to eliminate spinal defects.
Such treatment should not be resorted to independently without the permission of the treating specialist. Only after the diagnostic measures have been performed (X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging) can the neurologist recommend this method of exposure. This is due to the fact that the therapy has its own contraindications.
Manual therapy should not be used if there is a hernia or if there is a defect in the spinal discs. It is not recommended for use in cardiovascular pathologies, including after a heart attack or stroke.
Never use this treatment for cancerous tumors.
This method is also not recommended for thyroid pathologies and osteoporosis. If the disease is in the exacerbation stage, refrain from manual therapy. Finally, such a method of eliminating pain in the spinal region can not be used for poor blood clotting.
Acupuncture is also called acupuncture. This method of treatment is usually used for pain caused by a heavy load on the spine or when the patient is in frequent stressful situations.

Experts suggest that acupuncture helps restore endorphins. The effect of these elements on the body is similar to that of morphine. As everyone knows, morphine is a drug that can completely suppress pain.
Chinese medical experts believe that acupuncture can eliminate pain of any kind.
However, guided by the research of Russian scientists, acupuncture cannot be used in the following cases:
- with pathologies of the heart organ and its structures;
- for malignant and benign tumors;
- if you have an operation;
- in diseases of the kidney and liver;
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- with poor blood clotting;
- in the presence of acute infectious diseases.
Final score
We understand that back pain and its causes are of different nature, the treatment is selected individually for each person. As a rule, the manifestation of pain is directly related to pathologies of the spine and spinal cord.
That's why you should make an appointment with a neurologist for the slightest symptoms.
As an additional consultation, an examination by a neurosurgeon, rheumatologist, oncologist, pulmonologist, traumatologist and many other highly qualified specialists will be possible. To find out which doctors are needed, make an appointment with your therapist. He will propose an additional action plan.
In addition to the listed specialists, for the treatment and prevention of pain syndrome, they resort to the help of a masseur, reflexologist, manual operator. The most important thing in therapy is not the elimination of the pain defect, but the exclusion of the pathogenesis due to which the pain occurs. We can take as an example a complex therapy, which consists of two stages.
In the initial stage - the use of a drug that eliminates pain due to its components: vitamin B and diclofenac. Because diclofenac is contained in the drug in minimal amounts, it is not able to cause unpleasant side effects.
The next step is to use the medicine, which contains vitamins B1, B6 and B12 in the required amount. Helps to restore the myelin sheath of the fiber, improves the transmission of impulses from nerve endings. It also eliminates pain and prevents it from recurring.
Timely detection of the disease and its treatment is able to "put" the patient on his feet in the shortest possible time. The sooner you seek help from medical institutions, the more likely you are to lead a fulfilling life. Any attempt to get rid of the painful effect at home can lead to irreversible consequences.