One of the most common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is deforming arthrosis of the hip joint. The progressive process affects the hyaline cartilage, destroying bone and connective tissue. Either one or both mobile connections are affected. The second name of the disease is coxarthrosis, which occurs more often in women after 40 years.
Reasons for the development of the disease
The disease is not hereditary, but the presence of genetic characteristics of tissues and bones can provoke its development and transmission from parents to children. Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is considered an age-related problem that is due to the aging of the body. There are cases when the process of destruction of the hip joints begins in young people.
The main causes of arthrosis of the hip joint include pathologies that provoke the pathological process:
- tissue damage (fracture of the neck of the femur, contusion);
- intense physical activity (sports, weight lifting);
- joint infection (arthritis);
- death of the femoral head;
- obesity;
- endocrine diseases such as diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders;
- scoliosis.
The hip joint is destroyed under the influence of various factors. Therefore, people with a genetic predisposition, overweight, heart disease are at risk.
Varieties of the disease

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is of two types:
- Primary or idiopathic. It develops after 50 years. It differs in symmetrical lesions of the joints. The course is disappointing, it is difficult to determine the cause of the destruction of the pelvic joints.
- Second. It is characteristic of young age, the impetus is various pathologies. Characteristic is the defeat of one joint: left or right. The course is slow, and if you take the drugs prescribed by the doctor and follow the recommendations, then the pathology responds well to treatment.
The disease leads to complete destruction of the joint.
Degrees of coxarthrosis and characteristic symptoms
The process of destruction of the hip joint proceeds gradually, each of the 3 stages is accompanied by distinctive symptoms:
- Beginning phase. Arthrosis of the 1st degree of the hip joint is accompanied by signs:
- intermittent hip pain caused by exercise, pelvic stress;
- groin discomfort;
- lack of movement restrictions;
- slight narrowing of the joint space.

- 2nd degree disease. There is an aggravation, in the pelvic region, the local temperature rises. Pain at rest and during exertion. The development of the 2nd degree of arthrosis of the hip joint is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- the pain syndrome is intrusive and intense, especially at night;
- characteristic "starting" pain that accompanies movements after rest;
- restriction of movement, which leads to the destruction of cartilage and inflammation;
- the onset of lameness;
- difficulty in abducting the leg, bending the limb;
- muscle atrophy, where the affected leg appears limp;
- the joint space is narrowed, there is compaction of the bone during radiography.
- Last, stage 3. She talks about irreversible processes. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- the joint constantly hurts, the general condition worsens;
- changes in the size of the lower limbs;
- lameness when walking;
- complete immobility of the joint, this blocks the pelvic joint;
- absence of cartilaginous layer, bone surfaces are connected.
Diagnosis of arthrosis

The appearance of early symptoms does not make a person go to the clinic, and he prefers self-treatment. However, arthrosis of the hip joint requires urgent medical care and timely diagnosis. During consultations, the presence of arthritis leading to a complication in the form of coxarthrosis is refuted or confirmed. To do this, turn to such specialists as:
- therapist;
- neurologist;
- rheumatologist;
- orthopedist (surgeon).
The research is complex, which is why all diagnostic measures are carried out in two directions:
- Clinical diagnosis:
- examination (finding where it hurts);
- flexion, straightening, rotation of the limb;
- asymmetry of the legs;
- pain on palpation.
- Instrumental research:
- radiography:
- CT;
- MRI;
- ultrasound;
- puncture of fluid from the joint cavity (if necessary).
What treatment is needed?

The goal of all therapeutic procedures is to reduce pain and improve joint mobility. Depending on the degree of damage, the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint is carried out by several methods.
At an early stage of development, conservative treatment is used, at stage 2 the development of the pathology is stopped, and arthrosis of the 3rd degree can be cured by radical methods.
After confirming the diagnosis of arthrosis of the hip joint, the doctor prepares a set of therapeutic measures consisting of drug treatment and physical therapy procedures. The treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of pain and inflammation, stopping the processes. In severe cases, surgical treatment with prosthetics is used.
conservative methods
With coxarthrosis of the 1st and 2nd degree of the hip joint, an integrated approach can help: drugs, therapeutic massage, gymnastics, osteopathy. Treatment of arthrosis in a non-surgical way means to prevent surgical intervention. First of all, the doctor prescribes painkillers to relieve the pain symptoms that constantly accompany arthrosis of the hip joint of the 2nd degree.
Drug treatment consists of the use of drugs presented in the table:
Group | Therapeutic action |
Anti-inflammatory (non-steroidal) | Symptomatic, help to anesthetize the limbs and have an anti-inflammatory effect |
Steroid hormones | They are used in case of lack of result when using non-steroidal drugs, they help relieve pain and inflammation. |
Chondroprotectors | Restoration of cartilage tissue structure, improvement of synovial fluid production |
Hyaluronic acid | It is injected into the joint to lubricate the joint surfaces |
Muscle relaxants | Reduction of muscle tone, improvement of blood flow through the vessels |

For coxarthrosis, massage, exercise therapy, electrophoresis, cryotherapy and many others are useful. Let's take a closer look at the main ones:
- Exercise therapy is the mainstay of therapy. It will help in locating the disease in any part of the body. A special system of exercises will strengthen the muscles, eliminate uncomfortable sensations during training.
- Massage and manual therapy - passive muscle recovery. Especially useful in the first stage of the development of the pathology.
- Phonophoresis enhances the effect of drugs with ultrasound. If you smear the TBS area with medicine and apply ultrasound, it will quickly penetrate the skin.
- Stuck. The use of a special apparatus will increase the intra-articular gap.
- Diet. It helps relieve pressure on the joint. Properly selected products improve well-being, but dietary nutrition is not included in the main therapeutic method.
People's funds

In home conditions, the methods of traditional medicine come to the rescue. The patient can be warmed and placed on compresses, which relieve inflammation and reduce swelling.
Using a compress with honey, aloe juice, sea salt provides a rush of blood to the inflamed area, helps to improve blood circulation in it. Folk remedies are part of the complex treatment of initial, as well as 2-3 degrees of pathology.
Severe injuries are treated with surgery. The diseased joint is replaced with a metal one.
Prevention of arthrosis of the hip joint
It is not difficult to prevent arthrosis of the hip joint. You should adhere to the following recommendations:
- exclude a sedentary lifestyle;
- Do sports;
- monitor body weight;
- to give up bad habits;
- timely correction of congenital and acquired defects of the hip joint.
Coxarthrosis is dangerous, so prevention after 40 years is important for absolutely everyone. But there is also a risk group that includes athletes and people with a genetic predisposition. When such symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Early diagnosis will allow you to receive effective treatment and avoid surgery.